Valkyrie Armor

Reclaimed Media Mosaics for Sustainable Artworks

Finished Mosaic "Valkyrie Armor"
The Warrior's Armor of the Viking Valkyrie is constructed on a basis of PAPERCRETE, using paper egg carton mulch in a cementicious mixture cast in play sand to create a lighter weight textured sculpture. The mosaic incorporates half-marbles, which are commercially recycled bottle glass, and cracked wine bottle glass produced by the artist. The mosaic is applied using white tile mastic, with no grout. Intended as a sheltered garden element.
How It's Done

EagleTurtle EarthSaver

Garden Sculptures from recycled materials.

Mixed Media

Amazon Links for Haiku & Sumi-e

Including poetry, pottery, sculpture, and graphic design and fine arts by artist EcBatana EagleTurtle.


See the PRO Kansas Miller Recycling Center recycling website at
See KCAE.ORG for a slideshow with island music promoting earth care. The slideshow is very large, but plays well on broadband. Otherwise, you might want to download to play locally.

Photos & Graphic Design ©2005 Eaglecliff Inc. Created to benefit the PRoKS Miller Recycling Center by E. Eagleturtle. OUR OCEAN - by Te Vaka for Greenpeace Australia Pacific, for the "Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Choice" tour of the Rainbow Warrior, July - Sept 2004.

This site published with 100% recycled bits and bytes. For more environmentally friendly computing, be sure to empty your temporary internet bit-bucket daily!

EagleTurtle Creative Division
Eaglecliff Incorporated
556 N. Crestway, Wichita KS 67208 USA

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