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Reclaimed/Sustainable Materials Arts Celebrate the Earth

A dedication of commitment to preservation of the earth

Garden Sculptures from recycled materials — Description:
A mosaic depicting Joseph being addressed by the angel Gabriel is comprised of reclaimed broken ceramic tiles. As a creative challenge, all tiles are broken pieces, not specifically shaped for this mosaic, EXCEPT the beard, which was leftover excess new material headed for the landfill. The grout and adhesive were excessed from a conventional installations. The gold grout hightlight was obtained at a yard/garage sale, the backing board was construction-site excess retrieved from a dumpster. Assembly fasteners are new.

Artist: Ecbatana Eagleturtle (Sobriquet)
Mosaic now owned by Kelly Gindlesberger, Pastor, Kinsley First Christian Church

Gabriel in the Garden

Mixed Media

CafePress Products decorated with this art

Amazon Links for Haiku & Sumi-e

Including poetry, pottery, sculpture, and graphic design and fine arts by artist EcBatana EagleTurtle.


See the PRoKS recycling website at
which includes a slideshow with island music promoting earth care. The slideshow is very large, but plays well on broadband. Otherwise, you might want to download to play locally.

Photos & Graphic Design ©2005 Eaglecliff Inc. Created to benefit the PRoKS Miller Recycling Center by E. Eagleturtle. OUR OCEAN - by Te Vaka for Greenpeace Australia Pacific, for the "Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Choice" tour of the Rainbow Warrior, July - Sept 2004.

This site published with 100% recycled bits and bytes. For more environmentally friendly computing, be sure to empty your temporary internet bit-bucket daily!

EagleTurtle Creative Division
Eaglecliff Incorporated
556 N. Crestway, Wichita KS 67208 USA

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Eaglecliff Incorporated.